Blood Donation and Compatibility – Part 3

Blood Compatibility

Everyone’s blood has a type; that is classified into the type of donor and type of receiver, according to the presence of certain markers(antigens) found on the red blood cells and the plasma. These antigens are the recognizing bodies. If a blood not acceptable to the body into which it is being transfused or accepted, the immune system regards it as a Foreign Body and reacts against it. That is why it is equally important to ensure that donors are giving compatible blood types to receivers.

A non-compatible blood may lead to blood clotting or clumping of red blood cells thus blocking the blood vessels.

Receive Blood From Donate Blood To Blood Type
 A+  A-  O+  O-  A+  AB+  A+
 O+  O-  O+  A+  B+  AB+  O+
 B+  B-  O+  O-  B+  AB+  B+
 Everyone  AB+  AB+
 A-  O-  A-  A+  AB+  AB-  A-
 O-  Everyone  O-
 B-  O-  B-  B+  AB+  AB-  B-
 AB-  A-  B-  O-  AB-  AB+  AB-

Blood Donation and Compatibility – Part 2

Blood Grouping (Types of Blood) – The ABO & RH System

Noble Laureate Karl Landsteiner was involved in the discovery of both the ABO blood group (in 1901) and RH blood group (in 1937). There are more than 20 genetically determined blood group systems known today, but the ABO and RH systems aer the most important ones used for blood transfusions.  Not all blood groups are compatible  with each other. Mixing incompatible blood groups leads to blood clumping or agglutinations, which is dangerous for individuals.

Each person’s blood is one of four major types: A, B, AB or O.  Blood types are determined by the types of antigens on the blood cells. Antigens are proteins on the surface of blood cells that can cause a response from the immune system.

What is Rh factor? The Rh factor is a type of protein on the surface of red blood cells. Most people have the Rh factor – they are Rh-positive. Those who do not have the Rh factor are Rh-negative.

How does a person get the Rh factor? The Rh factor is inherited – passed down through parents’ genes to their children.

Continue reading Blood Donation and Compatibility – Part 2

Blood Donation and Compatibility – Part 1

Today i’m going to post about the Blood Donation & related information.


  • What is blood donation?
  • Who is the eligible Blood donor?
  • What is Rh factor?
  • Blood Grouping (Types of blood)
  • Blood Compatibility
  • Benefits of donating blood

Happy to inform that i’m also a Blood Donor & each point i will provide the detail information in different post;

What is blood donation? Blood donation is when a person voluntarily has blood drawn and used for transfusions and/or made into bio pharmaceutical medications.

Who is the eligible Blood donor? You are eligible to donate blood if you are in good health, weigh at least 50 kg and are 17 years or older. You are NOT eligible to donate blood if you: Continue reading Blood Donation and Compatibility – Part 1